Backup Genie is a free application that lets you access all of your data directly from your Android device.
With the Backup Genie app you can read your documents or view your photos wherever you are. Save new files to your Backup Genie account, send doodles to friends, send voice memos to colleagues or upload your files straight to your Sync folder all from one, easy to use application.
With Backup Genie all your data is constantly at your finger tips.
Features of the Backup Genie application:
- Backup your camera roll
- Listen to your music files
- Browse and open all of your backed up files
- Browse and open any of your synced files
- Share any document with Facebook, Twitter or Email
- Take photos and upload them directly to your SyncFolder
- Protect your data via our app passcode lock
- Create a voice memo
If you don’t already have a Backup Genie account, you can easily create one from inside the application and get some free storage space to get you started. To get even more access to your files make sure you install the desktop application on your Mac or Windows PC. For more information please visit
Backup Genie is the app you have been wishing for!
Backup Genie adalah aplikasi gratis yang memungkinkan Anda mengakses semua data Anda langsung dari perangkat Android Anda.
Dengan aplikasi Genie Backup Anda dapat membaca dokumen atau melihat foto Anda di manapun Anda berada. Menyimpan file baru ke akun Genie Backup Anda, kirim ke teman corat-coret, mengirim memo suara ke rekan atau meng-upload file langsung ke folder Sync Anda semua dari satu, mudah untuk menggunakan aplikasi.
Dengan Genie Backup semua data Anda terus-menerus di ujung jari Anda.
Fitur dari aplikasi Genie Backup:
- Backup gulungan kamera Anda
- Mendengarkan file musik Anda
- Browse dan membuka semua file backup anda
- Browse dan buka file disinkronkan
- Bagi dokumen dengan Facebook, Twitter atau Email
- Mengambil foto dan meng-upload langsung ke SyncFolder Anda
- Lindungi data Anda melalui kami passcode kunci app
- Membuat memo suara
Jika Anda belum memiliki account Genie Backup, Anda dapat dengan mudah membuat satu dari dalam aplikasi dan mendapatkan beberapa ruang penyimpanan gratis untuk Anda mulai. Untuk mendapatkan akses lebih ke file Anda pastikan Anda menginstal aplikasi desktop pada Mac atau PC Windows. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan kunjungi
Backup Genie adalah aplikasi yang telah berharap untuk!
Backup Genie is a free application that lets you access all of your data directly from your Android device.
With the Backup Genie app you can read your documents or view your photos wherever you are. Save new files to your Backup Genie account, send doodles to friends, send voice memos to colleagues or upload your files straight to your Sync folder all from one, easy to use application.
With Backup Genie all your data is constantly at your finger tips.
Features of the Backup Genie application:
- Backup your camera roll
- Listen to your music files
- Browse and open all of your backed up files
- Browse and open any of your synced files
- Share any document with Facebook, Twitter or Email
- Take photos and upload them directly to your SyncFolder
- Protect your data via our app passcode lock
- Create a voice memo
If you don’t already have a Backup Genie account, you can easily create one from inside the application and get some free storage space to get you started. To get even more access to your files make sure you install the desktop application on your Mac or Windows PC. For more information please visit
Backup Genie is the app you have been wishing for!